What are the dental emergency situations?
1. Toothache
A situation where decay has reached the vital tissue of the tooth and exposed the nerves to all kinds of stimulus such as hot, cold, air, etc can be extremely troublesome. In such instances, the pulp tissue can become inflamed and the pain doesn’t get relieved by painkiller medications.
External cold compress, warm Saline rinses are some of the home-care remedies one can try but if the pain doesn’t get relieved its best to visit your dentist near by.
2. Knocked- out tooth
Incase of an accident/fall a tooth is knocked out of its socket its essential to not disturb the root of the tooth.
Hold the tooth from the crown portion and place it back in the socket and bite on a gauze piece till you reach your dentist near by.
Incase, reinsertion isn’t possible, its best to place the intact tooth in a small packet filled with milk and rush to the dentist. This is done to preserve it’s vitality.
Apply cold compress from outside the face to prevent any sort of swelling immediately.
3. Cracked tooth/Mobile tooth fragment
This can happen when you accidentally bite on a hard object or if your tooth has a large filling that has underlying decay as well. Crack line needs to be traced clinically and after multiple radiographs by the dentist to ascertain the future treatment protocol.
Apply cold compress from outside the face, keep the tooth fragment in a safe, clean packet filled with milk or normal saline and rush to your nearby dentist.
4. Dental Abscess
A long standing decaying tooth can suddenly flare up due to a change in the environment for the bacteria and may eventually lead to an abscess which presents itself with a draining sinus, pus discharge, swelling (mild to severe) and throbbing pain.
Do not apply warm compress externally
Take a prescribed painkiller and antibiotic treatment course
Do warm saline rinses multiple times in a day to maintain hygiene in the oral cavity
Get it clinically and radiographically assessed by dentist near you.

5. Loose dental crown
Incase a dental crown/bridge is loose and creating a problem in the oral cavity, do not panic. If it is dislodged completely, keep it safely in a clean packet and take it to your dentist. Do not try to eat with a partially dislodged crown as there are chances of fracture and aspiration of the dental crown.
If you can temporarily affix it in the correct position using a denture adhesive or toothpaste till you reach your dentist it’ll maintain its position and prevent any drifting of the underlying tooth.
The dentist shall fix it back using a dental cement if the underlying tooth remains in tact.
We at Zenith Dental Care are just a phone call away and deal with dental emergencies with utmost precision, sterilisation and give you a sense of calm in the whole procedure. Our aim is allay any sort of fears and keep you at ease throughout the procedure. You shall be guided through a proper protocol and explained every step along the way!

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