Zenith Dental Care

207, Sector-37, Noida


10 Am - 9 Pm All Days



Root Canal Treatment In Noida

Does your tooth require root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure used to save a tooth with an infected or dead pulp and prevent further infection. When a tooth becomes infected, the whole mouth can be put at risk. If the issue is detected early, it is possible to remove the infection without damaging the pulp and restoring the tooth with a conservative options such as tooth colored filling.

If you are suffering from one of these symptoms or signs visit your dentist near you and check if root canal treatment is necessary:

  • Spontaneous pain
  • Pain to stimulation
  • Sensitiveness to palpation
  • Sensitiveness to thermic changes (warm/cold)
  • Sensitiveness to percussion
  • Dental movement 
  • Radiographic signs
  • Tooth abscess
  • Fistula

During the procedure, a hole will be drilled into the tooth to reveal the infection and allow the dentist to scrape away the pulp and infection together through the root canal. This could be carried out through a number of different root canals to ensure the infection is removed entirely.

What happens during root canal treatment?

An Endodontic dentist’s aim during root canal treatment is to remove the pulp from inside the tooth while preserving the structure and shape. At Zenith Dental Care Noida sector 37 it is usually performed under local anaesthetic, with many patients expected to attend single to several appointments with their dental professional depending on the severity of infection.

During the procedure, a hole will be drilled into the tooth to reveal the infection and allow the dentist to scrape away the pulp and infection together through the root canal. This could be carried out through a number of different root canals to ensure the infection is removed entirely.

Patients often emerge from the treatment realising there was little need for worry or fear before the procedure, with most people feeling a little or no discomfort in the days after. Upon the removal of the pulp, which keeps the teeth alive, the blood supply and essential nutrients are cut off.

When the dentist has removed the infected pulp from inside the tooth, the substance is replaced with a material called Gutta Percha. Its use allows the pearly white to remain rooted in the jawbone and the infection will be unable to return once the tooth has been refilled.

A dental crown is usually placed over the newly filled tooth to provide further protection, even if the outer layers were unaffected by the infection. Zenith Dental Care sector 37 ensures that a perfectly sealed root canal treated tooth is protected by a high quality, durable full coverage fixed dental prosthesis or a dental crown.


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At Zenith Dental Care, Noida, we’re more than just a dental practice; we’re a family dedicated to providing you with the highest quality dentistry services. As we mark a significant milestone of 5 years in practice, our hearts are filled with gratitude towards each one of you who has been a part of our journey.

A Week of Gratitude

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In celebration of our 5th Anniversary, we're thrilled to offer a special 10% discount on all treatment procedures from 10th to 17th February. It's our way of saying thank you and giving back to the community that has supported us through these years.